Tuesday, January 3, 2012


This appears to be either a car with a mohawk, or a car with a giant paintbrush on its roof.
Yup, I officially broke my new year's resolution on January 2nd. Oh well, here are two to make up for yesterday. It's pretty cold here (cold enough for the pond to freeze) but still little snow has fallen. The child in me wanted to poke at the ice or throw a stone in it to see how thick it was, but since people were walking by I refrained.


Allie said...

I like this idea. It will give me something exciting to do every day.

Allie said...

Also, didn't notice that the car had a mohawk until just now. Go me. Way to be perceptive.

Sonali said...

Haha yay you should join me!

Allie said...

I don't have a fancy pants phone that takes pictures because I'm actually a retiree in a 23-year-old's body. But maybe if I ever join the 21st century, I will copy you in this endeavor.