Sunday, October 14, 2012

Word Geek

I've started taking a Spanish language class. It's a nice way to avoid a law school class and get back into languages again. In just a few weeks it's already reignited the geek in me. I was Google Translating the Spanish word "trabajo," and as I typed in the word, the translator automatically detected the language and English translation. It produced the following super exciting results if you're a linguistics/language/regular geek.

I typed in:
t-r-a .......... it said "Italian-detected" meaning "between"
t-r-a-b ....... it said "German-detected" meaning "trot"
t-r-a-b-a .... it said "Spanish-detected" meaning "tether"
t-r-a-b-a-j... it said "Spanish-detected" meaning "worked"
t-r-a-b-a-j-o.. it said "Spanish-detected" meaning "work"

Anywho I just thought it was cool that there could be so many different words in three languages contained in one word.