Monday, April 4, 2011


Yup, I did it, I went and got a job. Sure, it's just for the summer and technically a "research grant" isn't the same thing as getting paid, but I'm super excited nonetheless. I will be a fellow* in the International Human Rights Program at my school. They are sending me to the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa for the summer to do research. What will I be researching? When do I start? How will I get there? Trivialities!**

I don't know a whole lot about Jo-burg, but I do know that it is winter there. Am I disappointed? Sure, but at least I know that nothing could be worse than winter in Chicago.

*Lady fellow? Fella? Fellowette?
**I have no clue yet.


Allie said...

I'm going to start calling you a fella.

Zingar Poet said...

Have an awesome time!

Anonymous said...

I don't know why it lets me comment on your shit but not Allie's.

Anyway, trivialities! LOL. Miss you.